Author - Affektiv

Why you should be embracing online learning

As technology keeps on changing, so has the way we learn in the world today. Online learning has become a very popular topic in the media. Many different businesses are wondering if online learning is right for them and their staff.

Some businesses are more innovative than others, reaping the benefits of online learning while others prefer to stay in the dark. You will find most businesses that have taken on online learning as their training system have a large amount of Millennials in their workforce.

According to Ryan Jenkins “Seventy-one percent of Millennials who are likely to leave an organization in two years are dissatisfied with how their leadership skills are being developed. Sixty-nine percent of Millennials aspire to be leaders in the next five years and 60 percent of Millennials want training to develop their leadership skills”.

Therefore Millennials weigh out a lot of their job satisfaction with consistent and higher levels of training. In the past this was not the case as people did their training when they first started the job and then did not expect any more training afterwards.

The same trend can be seen in the graph below from source: Statista .

Employees are much more demanding with regard to skills improvement and businesses need to keep this in mind these days otherwise they will run a risk of losing their valuable staff.

Millennials prefer to use online learning as it is fast and flexible to suit their lifestyle. They are constantly connected to the internet. Most online training providers ( /online-business-courses/ ) also allow the online training to be accessed from any smartphone, tablet or laptop which means that your employees can keep up to date with their training whenever they have time.

Online training might be preferred by the Millennials, but many other types of people are also preferring to use online learning as well. The easy availability of training is helping close the skills gap among the unemployed who are gaining skills that they never thought possible years ago. This easily available way of training has also been used by businesses hiring people with less skills and then training them up where they need to be.

Traditional training was great at its time, but online training is better because people have different attention spans and different times when the training would suit them. Online learning allows people to focus for short periods of time than long drawn out time spans. It also allows people to do their training at their own pace which might be preferred by employees who have children or other responsibilities to take care of. Not to mention online learning saves time from having to travel to training destinations in Cape Town’s traffic and also saves space in your office as all training information can easily be accessed online.

The trend of online learning has come around with the increase in technology and most people in the workforce comprising of Millennials who focus on continuous training as part of their job satisfaction. All types of businesses and people are looking more into online learning as the way forward. Shouldn’t you be as well?

7 tips for new managers when taking over an existing team

7 tips for new managers when taking over an existing team

There are few things as hard in management and leadership as that of taking over an existing team, especially if you are a new manager.  While each manager will have their own way of dealing with this, we have prepared a 7 tips which all managers can follow to improve their success rate and speed up the transition.

  1. Understand the existing team dynamic and team members

To be effective in shaping the behaviour of the new team, the leader will need to understand the team that she’ll be leading as individuals as well as the team dynamic as a whole.  Keep in mind that when individuals are in a group, they change their behaviour to adapt to that group.  That means individuals will display different behaviours in different groups and also different behaviours when not in groups.

To understand the individual, a private one-on-one with a few prepared questions will be helpful.  Make sure that you’re not just jotting down answers but truly listening to what your team members are saying and not saying.  Try to get some personal details in there as well, such as kids’ and spouse’s names and birth dates.  There’s nothing quite as nice as arriving at work with your manager wishing your little boy a happy birthday, especially if they’ve got a little surprise present to go along with it.

To understand the team dynamics, joys and pain points, a short but insightful SurveyMonkey survey goes a long way.  Try to establish existing levels of engagement.  Gallup has some great insight here on what affects engagement which you can use in your survey.

  1. Establish norms

If you do not take the time to concretely set and establish the behavioural norms of the group, your team members will do it for you.  In other words, what are the behaviours we wish to encourage and which behaviours are unacceptable?  What happens in instances of unacceptable behaviour?

This step is usually quite easy if taking the following approach:  Get your team together and ask them whether they want to be part of a high performing team or a low performing team.  The answer is obvious.  Then, draw a line down the whiteboard, splitting it into two, label one ‘high performance behaviours’ and the other ‘low performance behaviours’.  Let your team come up with the relevant behaviours for each, e.g. arriving late, being self-motivated, etc.  They have now decided on what they need to be doing to be they team they wish to be.  From that, derive the appropriate rules to encourage or discourage the behaviours.

  1. Understand the team’s objectives

This seems fairly elementary but nearly half of surveyed employees did not clearly know what is expected of them from Gallup’s survey results.  Understand what are the numerical deliverables for your team and prioritise them.  If they cannot be measured, find ways to measure them because if you can’t put a number to it, you will have difficulty in managing it.  Also ensure that each team member understands how the work that they do affects these metrics.

Once clear numerical goals and time-frames are established, track the team’s results against those figures and put them on display for everyone to see.  For high performing teams, the results remain at the forefront.

  1. Identify the influencers

Some members of your team will have more influence than others.  Identify who those are and find ways to positively use their influence.  That doesn’t mean picking favourites or giving leniency towards certain individuals.  Sometimes influencers are going have a negative impact and there may not be much that you can do about it.  Be prepared to make to call on when someone is not good for the group.  Always put the group first, the individual second.  If you find yourself regularly having to let people in your team go because they’re not good for the group, you may need to question your own ability in influencing behaviour.  Leaders don’t have the luxury of only working with people they like.

  1. Earn credibility

It takes time for a new manager to develop a reputation so needless to say, credibility is often a big problem for new managers.  There is only one way to build credibility and unfortunately that is time and actions.  There are a few things you can do to make the passing time more effective though.

Firstly, do what you say.  Don’t make idle promises or go back on your word.  That is not just true for promised rewards but also promised punishments, so beware what repercussions you promise.  Think about what threats you make before you make them.

Secondly, lead by example.  If you want your team members to arrive 5 minutes early, you need to arrive 20 minutes early.  If you want them to be respectful to each other, you cannot show disrespect to others, even those who are not in your team.

  1. Communicate

Without honest but respectful communication, there can be no trust.  Communication extends beyond setting targets and conducting performance reviews.  It even extends beyond coaching and work related chatter.  Employees need to be shown that they’re valued as individuals first and employees second.  Make the time to speak about work and non work related topics with your individual team members.  The open door policy is a cliche.  Having an open door simply isn’t enough, you need to invite people through the open door and elicit conversation from them.

Make time for regular individual feedback as well.  People want to know how they’re doing in relation to the expectations of their manager so make sure you’re having weekly informal chats about performance and at least monthly formal reviews.

  1. Measure

We’ve mentioned measurement in step 3 already but it warrants its own section.  Over and above the performance metrics you measure, which should be a given, also make time to regularly measure employee engagement.  The research done by Gallup clearly shows the value of engaged employees and the harm of actively disengaged employees.  You should be measuring employee engagement within your team on a monthly basis.  It does not need to be a comprehensive 200 question survey  All you need is an aggregated measure of a few questions to see the mental state of your team so that you proactively manage engagement rather than having a reactionary response.

Finally, measure yourself.  That is, let your team anonymously rate you on a couple of areas such as how approachable you are, what their overall leadership rating of you’s, etc.  This will certainly help you improve as a leader and allow you to understand your team’s expectations of you.

the 6 leadership styles

6 Leadership styles: When to use or avoid each


Has anyone ever asked you what your leadership style is?  For a good leader, this is not a clear cut answer.  Many people seem to think that good leaders have their own, one specific style and while it’s true that each person exhibits their own unique manner in which they lead, the truth is that great leaders make use of more than one leadership style.

Research by Hay/McBer shows that the best leaders use a variety of leadership styles which affect the organizational climate.  These factors (flexibility, responsibility, standards, rewards, clarity and commitment) are affected to a greater or lesser extent depending on the leadership style used.  Since climate affects a third of all results, positive effects on it are powerful to the organization’s well-being.


The six leadership styles identified were the Coercive, Authoritative, Affiliative, Democratic, Pacesetting and Coaching styles.  The coercive and pacesetting styles had negative overall effects on climate whereas the rest had a positive effect.

The table below describes the styles and provides some pointers on when to use or avoid the various styles.  Click on it to enlarge it.

Bottom line:

So what does all this mean?  In Daniel Goleman’s article of 2000, ‘Leadership that gets results’, he compares how a skilled leader will use the different leadership styles in the same way a golfer would use different clubs at his disposal depending on what the situation needs.  No one style is best all the time but instead, switching between styles as the situation requires proves to be the best strategy.

But what about authentic leadership?  How can one claim to be authentic if you’re chopping and changing who you are?  The simple answer is that you’re not changing who you are.  A skilled leader will always have a particular personality with which he goes about his business but must be attentive to when one approach might be better than another.

For Goleman’s full article on the six leadership styles, click here .