Why you should be embracing online learning

Why you should be embracing online learning

As technology keeps on changing, so has the way we learn in the world today. Online learning has become a very popular topic in the media. Many different businesses are wondering if online learning is right for them and their staff.

Some businesses are more innovative than others, reaping the benefits of online learning while others prefer to stay in the dark. You will find most businesses that have taken on online learning as their training system have a large amount of Millennials in their workforce.

According to Ryan Jenkins “Seventy-one percent of Millennials who are likely to leave an organization in two years are dissatisfied with how their leadership skills are being developed. Sixty-nine percent of Millennials aspire to be leaders in the next five years and 60 percent of Millennials want training to develop their leadership skills”.

Therefore Millennials weigh out a lot of their job satisfaction with consistent and higher levels of training. In the past this was not the case as people did their training when they first started the job and then did not expect any more training afterwards.

The same trend can be seen in the graph below from source: Statista .

Employees are much more demanding with regard to skills improvement and businesses need to keep this in mind these days otherwise they will run a risk of losing their valuable staff.

Millennials prefer to use online learning as it is fast and flexible to suit their lifestyle. They are constantly connected to the internet. Most online training providers ( /online-business-courses/ ) also allow the online training to be accessed from any smartphone, tablet or laptop which means that your employees can keep up to date with their training whenever they have time.

Online training might be preferred by the Millennials, but many other types of people are also preferring to use online learning as well. The easy availability of training is helping close the skills gap among the unemployed who are gaining skills that they never thought possible years ago. This easily available way of training has also been used by businesses hiring people with less skills and then training them up where they need to be.

Traditional training was great at its time, but online training is better because people have different attention spans and different times when the training would suit them. Online learning allows people to focus for short periods of time than long drawn out time spans. It also allows people to do their training at their own pace which might be preferred by employees who have children or other responsibilities to take care of. Not to mention online learning saves time from having to travel to training destinations in Cape Town’s traffic and also saves space in your office as all training information can easily be accessed online.

The trend of online learning has come around with the increase in technology and most people in the workforce comprising of Millennials who focus on continuous training as part of their job satisfaction. All types of businesses and people are looking more into online learning as the way forward. Shouldn’t you be as well?

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